Keeping the creative juices flowing. That’s what this is about. Chipping away with a never stop improving attitude. With creativity, you need to keep challenging yourself and trying out new things. With the Hi Pom Pom Beanie, I worked out some new copy and created a few little videos. Having this little sample product laying around my apartment gives me the itch to keep creating ideas and improving what I have. Aside from that thought, there’s a reasonable idea that creeps into my head wondering, “Is the Hi thing one giant self-serving distraction? Is it just a desperate way to get attention and make money? Is it a waste of time? All this energy spent putting videos on Instagram? Where am I going with all this?” Hello apparently you just walked into to a therapy session I’m having with myself… The answer is I really don’t know. I really don’t know if this will ever become a sustainable stream of income for me and the amount of sales I’ve made certainly isn’t encouraging me to continue. If I was in this for the money I would have quit a long time ago. But if I look it as simply a way to learn and practice creativity, play with digital tools and conjure up fun ideas — it doesn’t feel like a dark and worthless path. When I look at it like that, it feels like the light is up ahead and it pushes me to keep working toward it. The right mental shift keeps me going.
As a professional copywriter, I highly recommend this course. Ruth Clowes on skillshare is a great resource. Her breakdown of the craft is really eye-opening even for someone who has decided to make this a career for the past 10 or so years. Writing always helps me ramp up ideas for products. it allows you to sit with it play and be curious. That’s where all the fun stuff stems from.
You can catch the project I posted for the latest class here. And if you want to get some solid foundations in copywriting, take the course.
Here are a couple instagram videos I made. One flexes some headline and copywriting ideas and the other is just a silly way to show off the product. For the record, I didn’t exactly come up with these headlines off the top of my head while on a walk, I wrote most of them down before hand. While I have a lot of great ideas on walks it was best to prepare when I knew I was going to be working on the video for it. Saying your words out loud always helps improve the writing too and this was fun way to combine exercise and a creative workout.
Check out some the updated product photos I took. I used a little overhead rig with a white photo sweep and I think it really captures the thickness of the knit and cozy feel of the cap.
I’ll leave you with these little notes in my notebook.